Team Team Design and Experience
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Team Design and Experience

Where you'll meet us​

You will meet the Design and Experience team in the beautiful Karlsruhe office. We come into action during the implementation of the Digital Game Plan and work on projects in close exchange with the other disciplines on your digital products.

How we work

Our design process and our products are created with the user in focus. This means that we design and structure digital products for the people who will ultimately use them. To do this, we first get to know your target group in detail and also test our concepts with user tests before they are implemented. We pay attention to high usability standards and ensure the highest possible level of accessibility of the products. We continue your branding and corporate design guidelines, no matter if we develop an existing product or create a new one.

Mit diesen Tools arbeiten wir

Logo Adobe
Logo Figma
Logo zeplin

Team Design & Experience

Doro Sthamer
Katrin Moos
Michael Wallner
Rachel Gozal
Ramona Buhleier
Dual Student Media Design

Our projects

Learn more about what we do with and for our partners, how we develop strategies that help them reach their goals, and how we support their digital journey.

SVO-website-teaser element on a graphical smartphone the SVO website is open
Let's talk!
We are always looking for like-minded, passionate and personable people to join us.​